Closed KsanaE-0 closed 5 years ago
I've solve this problem by following instructions of this page → Resolving EACCES permissions errors when installing packages globally.
xxx@mac:~/.npm-global/lib/node_modules$ --> npm install --global alfred-anki
> alfred-anki@1.3.1 postinstall /Users/xxx/.npm-global/lib/node_modules/alfred-anki
> alfy-init
+ alfred-anki@1.3.1
added 258 packages from 395 contributors and updated 3 packages in 10.502s
The Installation went smoothly, however this workflow still didn't work on my machine.
Doesn't Anyone have some Ideas?
Please, try this release and install as anki.alfredworkflow
It works! Thank you very much!
Hi Bikenik, thank you for developing this amazing alfred workflow. I can't wait to use it to create cards. Unfortunately, I came up with trouble with installation of it. I would be grateful it you can help me out or give me a pointer. Thank you!