bikenik / alfred-ldoce

MIT License
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New flashcards application support. #1

Open politicus opened 6 years ago

politicus commented 6 years ago


Great workflow! As I do not use Anki but Quizlet I would like to know if you are planning adding support for new flashcards applications?

Thank you!

bikenik commented 6 years ago

Hi. Thank you for your interest in this development. Rather no, than yes. I don't know which kind of is the format supports the Quizlet. Everything about flashcards, how they should look like is very subjective. So.. The flashcards aren't the main idea. This workflow generates some simple HTML, audio files, and translation of examples. It could be imported as [*.csv] file for example. And I'm leaving this as open source for user preference. I hope these modules of code could be easy for changes (thanks to Alfred).

p.s. Based on my practice - I use this as a dictionary by 85% and as the generator of flashcards by 15%.