bikram990 / PyScep

A Python SCEP client and server
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enroll error when signer attempts to append certificate value #18

Closed eoinmoon closed 1 week ago

eoinmoon commented 2 months ago

Hi ,

I hope this is the correct area to post this take down if not. I have the following problem at the moment and I have some idea why but not sure why also since it seems to follow the examples.

enrol called passing in res = client.enrol(csr, "/C=xx/ST=xxx/L=xxx/O=xxx/", private_key ) From here I get an error \scep\Client\", line 236, in add_signer self._certificates.append(CertificateChoices('certificate', signer.certificate.to_asn1_certificate())) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'to_asn1_certificate'

I printed out the signer.certificate value and it matches the 2nd parameter enrol which is a string but cannot figure out why it is attempting to call to_asn1_certificate() as this is a certificate class method. It is being called from builders.add_signer which passes the value

So I understand why the specific reason for the error but not sure what step is missing here , the enrol looks correct ( parameters being passed down) - why is this attempting to call this method when it is not a certificate object but a string. Am I missing something really simple , if so apologies .

Python 3.12.4 using PyScep 0.0.14 on Windows OS Communicating to a EJCBA server

eoinmoon commented 2 months ago

I have since original post attempted to pass in a Certificate object instead of a string but all that happens is that I get different errors. Any guidance would be appreciated?