Originally posted by **gnodar01** June 11, 2024
Our goal for bilayer is to work up to whats shown in the following figure:
We'll take it one step at a time though. For version `0.1`, @rajavishah and I discussed concentrating on an MVP. The idea is to build off the docker gradio demo that Callum built. We [have a branch with some rough notes](https://github.com/COBA-NIH/docker_gradio_demo/tree/biapy_notes) in that repo.
For `v0.1`, we will start by only creating enough to programmatically generate a replica of the threshold gradio app. We'll add other interfaces afterwards.
The MVP will have the following starting elements:
* a super simple (for now) config/spec file (maybe in json, or yaml, or toml, or ...) definition
* a docker file which installs all the gradio dependencies
We'll then need components that are specific to the algorithm, in this case simple threshold:
* populated config/spec file
* input & output UI types (for now just `filepath`, `choice` / `radio` and `number` is needed; we will expand UI types later)
* A second dockerfile which `FROM`s the base gradio docker file, and then installs the necessary dependencies (`scikit-image` and `scipy` in this case)
* a python file providing the "execute" function (i.e. the [example function](https://github.com/COBA-NIH/docker_gradio_demo/blob/biapy_notes/app.py#L22))
Finally we'll need a build process. Initially the plan is to simply have a python script which parses the config/spec file and:
* programmatically generates the Gradio interface
* corresponding to [these lines](https://github.com/COBA-NIH/docker_gradio_demo/blob/biapy_notes/app.py#L9-L20), followed by the `execute` function from above, and then [these lines](https://github.com/COBA-NIH/docker_gradio_demo/blob/biapy_notes/app.py#L75-L83)
* a third dockerfile which `FROM`s the previous one above, and copies in the programmatically generated file above, and sets its execution as the `ENTRYPOINT`
We will also need to come up with a folder structure that organizes all this
Discussed in https://github.com/orgs/bilayer-containers/discussions/5