bilelmoussaoui / Hardcode-Tray

Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
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teamviewer doesn't work anymore #163

Open andia89 opened 8 years ago

andia89 commented 8 years ago

I have absolutely no idea why, but teamviewer stopped working :( is replaced correctly and also the icons in /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate seem to be ok (the names there are the same as in /tmp/sni-qt_TVGuiDelegate_2694-jFooF2/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps.

Skype also works

Any ideas?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

I've no idea.. it's just happened or after an update?

andia89 commented 8 years ago

I don't know. Worked great all the time, reinstalled teamviewer (same version) and it stopped working

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

Have you tried to reinstall the application again?

andia89 commented 8 years ago


bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

If skype works, and teamviewer wroked before the only thing that i can think of is that somehow teamviewer does not use anymore.. but it's the same version :( can you try a downgrade?

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

@wa4557 You can still reproduce this ?

andia89 commented 8 years ago

Sadly yes :(

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

@wa4557 Can you build the latest version of sni-qt and try again? If it's not working, what distro/ubuntu version you're using? the same for the desktop env so i can try it too.

andia89 commented 8 years ago

Tried to build it from source. Same behaviour. Skype works but teamviewer doesn't. Using Ubuntu 16.04

bilelmoussaoui commented 8 years ago

I will try to install Ubuntu on a VM and check if i can reproduce this

Floofies commented 7 years ago

I am running Xubuntu 16.04, and I see the same issue. I'm using v3.1

leoheck commented 7 years ago

Same here! Ubuntu 16.04

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

I will need some help here! Can you check on /tmp/ if you will find any icon that Teamviewer uses for it's tray icon?

leoheck commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I found it. Using TeamViwer v11

Main path:


Icon Sizes:

lheck@moon > ls /tmp/sni-qt_TVGuiDelegate_28669-MSDMwo/icons/hicolor
128x128  16x16  24x24  32x32  48x48  64x64

File names:

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Could you paste a screenshot of the icons? The latest icon TVGuiDelegate_28669_efbb734158e93591c95134fbc4e9d667.png

leoheck commented 7 years ago

Sure, totally forgot that.


bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Well, there was a missing icon! but it's the teamviewer error tray icon! I'm going to install Ubuntu to investigate this

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Even with the new teamviewer 12 it doesn't work... Tried everything, no idea :(

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

It most be the patched version of sni-qt then, we need to figure out how to get the latest version! as the PPA was not updated since few weeks or months now..

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

@wa4557 Can you guys try with the new PPA, created by @varlesh ?

varlesh commented 7 years ago

On my PPA package for 16.04 from PPA sni-qt-eplus. I'm build package for 16.10 only. Also original sni-qt version semilar on Ubuntu 16.04, 16.10 and 17.04:

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

with the latest version of sni-qt it's possible to debug this much more easier. Just update to the latest sni-qt, and run teamviewer once the gui is open click on the tray and then "open log files...". After that you can easily get the log of the gui, on the gui file.

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Ok interesting behaviour: teamviewer seems to use sni-qt (in the debug logs sni-qt messages are present), but obviously not the one we install, because if I add custom debug messages they do not show up in the log.

I think it is just a matter of finding the right library

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Do you get those log message using megasync --debug?

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Yes. I haven't been able to read skype debug messages though yet

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Ok one step forward to steps back: Teamviewer is still using the same library (if I put debug messages very early in the program they show up), but the methods in iconcache.cpp are never called. Somewhere something has to go wrong

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

@wa4557 Skype does not provide any possible way to do that, we just need to figure out where to log files are stored

andia89 commented 7 years ago

If we figure out why teamviewer is not working I guess skype will start to work as well

andia89 commented 7 years ago

I just figured out how to make teamviewer work again...

If you add this icon TVGuiDelegate_3524_cbdf5ff3eb7755ddd146a5b81f94b925-panel to /usr/share/Numix/22/status the correct icon is shown (this works also with all other icons).

So teamviewer is using a themed icon, with a very weird name

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

@wa4557 so what should we do about this? :(

andia89 commented 7 years ago

hmm, finding out where in sni-qt teamviewer uses a theme icon? that's very strange

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

@wa4557 Can you try with something else ? like Megasync or any other Qt application ?

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Btw, i guess this is somehow related

andia89 commented 7 years ago

It only works with teamviewer. The other icons are picked from /tmp megasync. You should try skype (which is using icons from tmp for me)

andia89 commented 7 years ago

It is even worse because, the number 3524 in here TVGuiDelegate_3524_cbdf5ff3eb7755ddd146a5b81f94b925-panel changes everytime you open teamviewer

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Btw: with this command dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=com.canonical.indicator.application /com/canonical/indicator/application/service com.canonical.indicator.application.service.GetApplications we can get the correct icon informations

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

I will take a look for skype, it must be the same case as teamviewer. Btw what do you think about this #297 ?

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

It shows up as you explained for TeamViewer :( btw, skype does not show the tray icon anymore here i don't know why...

andia89 commented 7 years ago

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. We just have to figure out where teamviewer get its icon, and change the name

andia89 commented 7 years ago

@bil-elmoussaoui I'm working again on fixing this, but the script doesn't work anymore for sni-qt apps!? running hardcode-tray --only teamviewer gives no icons in .local/share/sni-qt...

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

It works without any issues in my case :/ Debugging is much easier now, Just check what happens on /src/ (execute) or /src/modules/applications (application/qt) the symlinks are installed by the decorator in /src/decorators

andia89 commented 7 years ago

argh... Can you try remove all the folders in there and see if the folders are created? This doesn't happen for me

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Can confirm that! if i remove the folders, they're not created automatically and so the icons are not installed

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Fixed on master

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Thanks. There is also the issue, that some files have the wrong fileending (.svg.svg) which results in broken symlinks

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Mai 24 14:30 02d13a3a478e96b7e4fa7f7241221170.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/4cd9545d0021db224685d863ac738f91.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 57 Mai 24 14:30 0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 97 Mai 24 14:30 1ee7ede4f6037d6c4ebcdb4cf9fb8d44.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Mai 24 14:30 2e1a63598adb1734de0590e3c70ea98d.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 67 Mai 24 14:30 4327113cab136a09fac832e66878159a.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-connected.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 Mai 24 14:30 4cd9545d0021db224685d863ac738f91.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-busy.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 63 Mai 24 14:30 54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-error.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Mai 24 14:30 650a76ace6dc9ab50d83961afbf5482f.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/c28d37df9872311f7c6b295b70b8a39d.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 65 Mai 24 14:30 86e4f5bf63a6fa1725afd2e08e0ce105.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-offline.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 97 Mai 24 14:30 a41d8570ea7ee153fb767dd577921097.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 Mai 24 14:30 c28d37df9872311f7c6b295b70b8a39d.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-away.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Mai 24 14:30 cbdf5ff3eb7755ddd146a5b81f94b925.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/4327113cab136a09fac832e66878159a.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Mai 24 14:30 efbb734158e93591c95134fbc4e9d667.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 93 Mai 24 14:30 f8a91d87682c4c956f3d45416ef72737.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/86e4f5bf63a6fa1725afd2e08e0ce105.svg
bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Hmmm, the issue is in symlinks_installer in the decorators file. I will see what i can do later, currently working on a way to fix nwjs apps

bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

Fixed the broken symlinks on master :)

andia89 commented 7 years ago

Well I was looking in the wrong direction all the time: Teamviewer is not using sni-qt anymore :/ Uninstall sni-qt and the icon is still showing. Now I need to figure out where this is happening

andia89 commented 7 years ago

You didn't fix the issue with the symlinks btw, now it is even worse and the svg extension is completely missing;)

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 02d13a3a478e96b7e4fa7f7241221170.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/4cd9545d0021db224685d863ac738f91
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 57 Mai 24 17:50 0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 1ee7ede4f6037d6c4ebcdb4cf9fb8d44.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 2e1a63598adb1734de0590e3c70ea98d.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 67 Mai 24 17:50 4327113cab136a09fac832e66878159a.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-connected.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 Mai 24 17:50 4cd9545d0021db224685d863ac738f91.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-busy.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 63 Mai 24 17:50 54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-error.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 650a76ace6dc9ab50d83961afbf5482f.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/c28d37df9872311f7c6b295b70b8a39d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 65 Mai 24 17:50 86e4f5bf63a6fa1725afd2e08e0ce105.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-offline.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 a41d8570ea7ee153fb767dd577921097.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 62 Mai 24 17:50 c28d37df9872311f7c6b295b70b8a39d.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-away.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 cbdf5ff3eb7755ddd146a5b81f94b925.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/4327113cab136a09fac832e66878159a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 efbb734158e93591c95134fbc4e9d667.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 89 Mai 24 17:50 f8a91d87682c4c956f3d45416ef72737.svg -> /home/andreas/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/86e4f5bf63a6fa1725afd2e08e0ce105
bilelmoussaoui commented 7 years ago

hmm? are you sure about that ? Because i don't have this issue myself :(

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 02d13a3a478e96b7e4fa7f7241221170.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/4cd9545d0021db224685d863ac738f91.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    57 24 mai 17:59 0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 1ee7ede4f6037d6c4ebcdb4cf9fb8d44.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 2e1a63598adb1734de0590e3c70ea98d.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    67 24 mai 17:59 4327113cab136a09fac832e66878159a.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-connected.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    62 24 mai 17:59 4cd9545d0021db224685d863ac738f91.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-busy.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    63 24 mai 17:59 54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-error.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 650a76ace6dc9ab50d83961afbf5482f.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/c28d37df9872311f7c6b295b70b8a39d.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    65 24 mai 17:59 86e4f5bf63a6fa1725afd2e08e0ce105.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-offline.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 a41d8570ea7ee153fb767dd577921097.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/0b040b0d9ec00ce0d8189ece93cd2b7f.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    62 24 mai 17:59 c28d37df9872311f7c6b295b70b8a39d.svg -> /usr/share/icons/Numix/22/status/teamviewer-indicator-away.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 cbdf5ff3eb7755ddd146a5b81f94b925.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/4327113cab136a09fac832e66878159a.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 efbb734158e93591c95134fbc4e9d667.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/54b99333baa6a26fda3eb8ce6d664bd5.svg
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root  root    91 24 mai 17:59 f8a91d87682c4c956f3d45416ef72737.svg -> /home/bilal/.local/share/sni-qt/icons/TVGuiDelegate/22/86e4f5bf63a6fa1725afd2e08e0ce105.svg