bilelmoussaoui / Hardcode-Tray

Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
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Nextcloud desktop sync status indicator #613

Closed AtomToast closed 4 years ago

AtomToast commented 4 years ago


Expected behavior and actual behavior

I expect the icon to become monochrome but it stays green.
I'm pretty sure I used this program before to change the icon to this (the circle with the checkmark) on my Manjaro KDE machine a long time ago:

However there appears to be no change on my arch dwm laptop:

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. install nextcloud-client
  2. apply harcode tray (I tried using CairoSVG, RSVGConvert, ImageMagick. Theme I am using is Papirus-Dark)
  3. The fix doesn't apply to the application (only to discord and telegram for me)
varlesh commented 4 years ago

i think nextcloud use icons for tray from own themes in binary:

AtomToast commented 4 years ago

There is an option in the settings for this. Ignore this then w( image

renyhp commented 1 year ago

I am in the same situation. In my previous install (Ubuntu 20.04) this icon was exactly like the screenshot in the first post. Now (Linux Mint 21.1) I can't make it themed anymore. The "Use Monochrome Icons" switch does not help, it just becomes monochrome but does not use the Papirus icon:


I installed nextcloud-desktop from the official ppa (3.6.4-20221208.195402.3ffb9827b-1.0~jammy1), and papirus is also from the ppa (20221201-6106+pkg22~ubuntu22.04.1).

The hardcode-tray logs don't mention nextcloud.

EDIT: In fact, I am just realizing my screenshot shows that the blueman applet also isn't themed. Maybe I have some misconfiguration with my tray?

EDIT2: I found out that adding

.panel {
 -gtk-icon-style: regular;

to my .config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css fixes the blueman icon. I'm a bit puzzled: I don't quite understand symbolic vs regular icons, I don't understand why the "Symbolic icons" checkbox in statusnotifier does nothing, and I don't understand if Papirus is supposed to provide the missing blueman symbolic icon. The Nextcloud icon is still unthemed, though...