bilelmoussaoui / Hardcode-Tray

Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
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[Icon request] New Rambox icon #721

Closed DenysMb closed 2 years ago

DenysMb commented 2 years ago

Some hours ago Rambox released the version 2.0, with this version they changed their tray icon. Now their tray icon is this: image Apparently they changed the icons names.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

icons and paths updated... but it's not work on KDE (tray icon not show and original too). I try run with env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity rambox but this not solved problem. I think it's bug.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Also new Papirus icons not use a perfect pixel align, because i don't know how draw fat lines on 16x16px area... Now it's used 1,5px lines thickness image

varlesh commented 2 years ago

rauldipeas commented 2 years ago

The script need to be updated...

    "name": "Rambox",
    "app_path": [
    "icons_path": [
    "binary": "app.asar",
    "script": "electron",
    "icons": {
        "tray": {
            "original": "resources/IconTray.png",
            "theme": "rambox-indicator"
        "tray@2x": {
            "original": "resources/IconTray@2x.png",
            "theme": "rambox-indicator"
        "unread": {
            "original": "resources/IconTrayUnread.png",
            "theme": "rambox-notification"
        "unread@2x": {
            "original": "resources/IconTrayUnread@2x.png",
            "theme": "rambox-notification"
varlesh commented 2 years ago


rauldipeas commented 2 years ago

Update it again...

    "name": "Rambox",
    "app_path": [
    "icons_path": [
    "binary": "app.asar",
    "script": "electron",
    "icons": {
        "tray": {
            "original": "tray/active.png",
            "theme": "rambox-indicator"
        "tray@2x": {
            "original": "tray/active@2x.png",
            "theme": "rambox-indicator"
        "unread": {
            "original": "tray/unread.png",
            "theme": "rambox-notification"
        "unread@2x": {
            "original": "tray/unread@2x.png",
            "theme": "rambox-notification"