bilelmoussaoui / Hardcode-Tray

Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
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Steam icon doesn't change (Arch Linux) #732

Closed PoisonFrog closed 1 year ago

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago


I downloaded Steam from the official multilib repositories for 32 bit apps and installed hardcode-tray-git from the AUR and hardcode-tray doesn't change the Steam icon for the Papirus one (Papirus-Dark).

varlesh commented 2 years ago

On database right path /usr/share/pixmaps/steam_tray_mono.png. Also, as i know Steam not hardcoded and use tray icon from current icon theme (if available). For example, KDE Neon: image

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago



The smaller Steam icon is Birdtray using the Steam icon and the bigger one is the real Steam. I have the /usr/share/pixmaps/steam_tray_mono.png icon, but for some reason Steam is using this bigger icon and you can see by the Telegram size comparison that it is not the same one in your tray. It is bigger than it should be and the color is #DEDEDE instead of #DFDFDF (my tray icon size is 22 btw).

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Hm it's strange why icon not replaced. I'm now test and this worked fine: image

varlesh commented 2 years ago

color #dfdfdf and size 22px

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago

Hm it's strange why icon not replaced. I'm now test and this worked fine)

When I run hardcode-tray it shows in its output that it is applying the Steam fix, but nothing happens to the Steam icon. Maybe an issue with the Steam from the multilibs package from Arch repositories? Idk.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Hm, i'm tested Steam with Oxygen icon theme and see your bug. Icon changed on pixmap folder but not used from this folder. Maybe tray icon located to another directory? image

varlesh commented 2 years ago

I think I found where this icon is used from ~/.local/share/Steam/public/steam_tray_mono.png

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago

Hm, i'm tested Steam with Oxygen icon theme and see your bug. Icon changed on pixmap folder but not used from this folder. Maybe tray icon located to another directory?

Maybe. I don't really understand what goes on behind the scenes with these tray icons.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Haha, it's really this icon ~/.local/share/Steam/public/steam_tray_mono.png But can not be changed. When i'm replace this icons , Steam check hash files and run automatical update and rewrite this file.

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago

Haha, it's really this icon ~/.local/share/Steam/public/steam_tray_mono.png But can not be changed. When i'm replace this icons , Steam check hash files and run automatical update and rewrite this file.

Damn, that sucks. Well... At least it looks similar to the Papirus tray icons.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

I don't know why your DE not used steam tray from Papirus, it's strange. Maybe need tray run with another env option, for example env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE steam or create icon theme symlinks from /usr/share/icons to ~/.local/share/icons/

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago

I don't know why your DE not used steam tray from Papirus, it's strange. Maybe need tray run with another env option, for example env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE steam or create icon theme symlinks from /usr/share/icons to ~/.local/share/icons/

I tried symlinking and running hardcode-tray as XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE sudo -E hardcode-tray --size 22 --theme Papirus-Dark --only steam, but neither of them worked. Btw, I'm on Xfce and normally the XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is set to XFCE.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Maybe need install some libs? For example, lib32-libappindicator-gtk2 and lib32-gdk-pixbuf2

PoisonFrog commented 2 years ago

Maybe need install some libs? For example, lib32-libappindicator-gtk2 and lib32-gdk-pixbuf2

I tried installing these 2 packages and it didn't work.

varlesh commented 2 years ago

Sorry, i realy don't know how help you. We are try more things

PoisonFrog commented 1 year ago

I had an idea to fix the issue and it worked.

I gave the "~/.local/share/Steam/public/steam_tray_mono.png" file to root and changed permissions to 600 so Steam could not read it. Not a pretty solution, but it works.

Thanks @varlesh for all the help and for locating the file causing the issue.