bilelmoussaoui / Hardcode-Tray

Fixes Hardcoded tray icons in Linux
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Apps are only applying for light theme (dark icon) #760

Open hrqmonteiro opened 1 year ago

hrqmonteiro commented 1 year ago


Expected behavior and actual behavior

Themes are only applying for light theme (dark icon)

Steps to reproduce the problem

Just trying to apply using Papirus theme, the icons are patched correctly but only uses the dark icons (light theme)

On a dark wallpaper it's impossible to see it: Screenshot from 2023-04-15 17-30-17

Here's on a light wallpaper: Screenshot from 2023-04-15 17-31-56

So how can i properly apply the Papirus Dark and Light icons?

hrqmonteiro commented 1 year ago

This is very strange, even if i pass Papirus-Dark to BOTH themes, like so:

sudo -E hardcode-tray --conversion-tool Inkscape --light-theme Papirus-Dark --dark-theme Papirus-Dark --only joplin

It still changes to a dark icon:

Screenshot from 2023-04-15 17-44-14


rauldipeas commented 1 year ago

Try this...

sudo hardcode-tray --apply --theme Papirus-Dark

It's working great here with all converted icons, I'm using Kubuntu.

hrqmonteiro commented 8 months ago

Try this...

sudo hardcode-tray --apply --theme Papirus-Dark

It's working great here with all converted icons, I'm using Kubuntu.

You probably are not getting what i am saying, my man.

If i apply --theme Papirus-Dark, then all of the icons will be white, of course.

What i meant is thatt, when you apply both --light-theme and --dark-theme, it should be theme-aware, right? If ai am on a dark theme, it should use the icons applied on --dark-theme, if i am on a light theme, it should use icons applied on --light-theme. But it doesn't.

If i apply like i said, all of the icons are from the --light-theme.