bilelmoussaoui / ashpd

A Rust wrapper around XDG portals DBus interfaces
MIT License
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Notification tests with dummy data #226

Open snwh opened 1 month ago

snwh commented 1 month ago

This is mostly a wishlist item for me when testing notifications, but having a couple tests with dummy data prefilled to simply see the notification would be very convenient for UI testing. :pray: Often I have to reload the testing environment, especially GNOME Shell testing, and re-inputting the information for the notification test is quite tedious.

This image

vs. this, where I'm just key mashing to fill the fields quickly for a test. :D

Screenshot from 2024-07-31 10-31-33

bilelmoussaoui commented 1 month ago

if you make a mockup or describe how you would like such "template" to work, i might implement it :)

bertob commented 1 month ago

I've run into this as well. What would be useful for my personal testing cases would be having 3-5 types of notification (no icon, no actions, actions, actions + icon), and for each of them there'd be a button that triggers a random notification with these parameters with hardcoded content (e.g. maybe there's a repertoire of 5 for each of them and they're shown in random order).

bilelmoussaoui commented 1 month ago

tbh this sounds like you could just use a simple bash/python script for that. ASHPD demo is not built to do what you are doing

bertob commented 1 month ago

The problem with bash scripts is they don't really scale - maybe it could be a separate app? :thinking:

A6GibKm commented 1 month ago

Yeah, this seems out of scope, this is an for users that want to test portals not for automatic testing. On a different note though, we are missing an option to send an icon with the notification.

bertob commented 1 month ago

Filed an app-ideas issue

bilelmoussaoui commented 1 day ago

Will keep this around just to have some default data to ease the testing of portals.