bilgeswe / SWE573

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Implement Mystery Object Model with Attributes #11

Closed bilgeswe closed 20 hours ago

bilgeswe commented 3 weeks ago

Define a MysteryObject model with the following fields:

  1. Material (CharField)*
  2. Size (CharField)
  3. Colour (CharField)*
  4. Shape (CharField)
  5. Weight (FloatField or IntegerField)
  6. Description of parts (TextField)
  7. Location (CharField)
  8. Time period (CharField)
  9. Hardness (TextField)
  10. Pattern (TextField)
  11. Brand (CharField)
  12. Print (TextField)
  13. Images (ImageField)
  14. Functionality (TextField)


  1. Smell (TextField)
  2. Taste (TextField)
  3. Texture (TextField)

Additional-2 from class exercise:

  1. The Volume (TextField)
  2. The PART OF (TextField)&(numerical field)
  3. Width (TextField)
  4. Shape (Multiselect from sphere, cube or sphere) 22 Height (TextField)
  5. Len (TextField)
  6. Year (TextField)
  7. Price (TextField)
  8. Image (ImageField)
  9. Condition (TextField)
bilgeswe commented 1 day ago

Attributes, here: 5.3. Post Requirements The Milestone: Demo of The Website Project

Added to wiki, and wiki is added to here. Added to milestone and milestone is added to here.

bilgeswe commented 20 hours ago

All these attributes are implemented, however UI is not looking so good. For now the attributes are finished for the first part. However additional re-open of this issue might be needed in the future.