bilibili / flv.js

HTML5 FLV Player
Apache License 2.0
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萌新提问关于直播中视频avc codec发生变化的问题 #355

Open alphonsetai opened 6 years ago

alphonsetai commented 6 years ago

直播过程中(音视频都有),一开始时用h264 main的编码进行直播。其中在不断流的情况下切换为h264 high,并发送新的avc confg和视频数据,时间戳写入正常。

通过调试发现推送数据给source buffer时,总是updating,导致音视频数据同时不播放。遇到这样的情况下,该如何查。 web开发萌新。

xqq commented 6 years ago

logcat (flv.js & chrome://media-internals) please

alphonsetai commented 6 years ago


00:00:00 00 origin_url
00:00:00 00 frame_url
00:00:00 00 frame_title AAC_TEST
00:00:00 00 url blob:
00:00:00 00 info ChunkDemuxer: buffering by DTS
00:00:00 07 pipeline_state kStarting
00:00:01 127 found_video_stream true
00:00:01 127 video_codec_name h264
00:00:01 127 found_audio_stream true
00:00:01 127 audio_codec_name aac
00:00:01 130 audio_dds false
00:00:01 130 audio_decoder FFmpegAudioDecoder
00:00:01 130 info Selected FFmpegAudioDecoder for audio decoding, config: codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 2 channel_layout: 3 channels: 2 samples_per_second: 44100 sample_format: 2 bytes_per_frame: 4 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? false encryption scheme: Unencrypted discard decoder delay? false
00:00:01 130 debug Video rendering in low delay mode.
00:00:01 217 video_dds false
00:00:01 217 video_decoder GpuVideoDecoder
00:00:01 217 info Selected GpuVideoDecoder for video decoding, config: codec: h264 format: 1 profile: h264 high coded size: [320,240] visible rect: [0,0,320,240] natural size: [320,240] has extra data? false encryption scheme: Unencrypted rotation: 0°
00:00:01 217 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:01 217 warning Failed to reconcile encoded audio times with decoded output.
00:00:01 218 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:01 243 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:01 243 height 240
00:00:01 243 width 320
00:00:01 243 for_suspended_start false
00:00:01 243 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:01 243 info Effective playback rate changed from 0 to 1
00:00:01 243 event PLAY
00:00:01 127 duration unknown
00:00:11 496 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:14 496 for_suspended_start false
00:00:14 496 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:00 00 info ChunkDemuxer: buffering by DTS
00:00:00 00 pipeline_state kStarting
00:00:00 69 found_video_stream true
00:00:00 69 video_codec_name h264
00:00:00 69 found_audio_stream true
00:00:00 69 audio_codec_name aac
00:00:00 72 audio_dds false
00:00:00 72 audio_decoder FFmpegAudioDecoder
00:00:00 72 info Selected FFmpegAudioDecoder for audio decoding, config: codec: aac bytes_per_channel: 2 channel_layout: 3 channels: 2 samples_per_second: 44100 sample_format: 2 bytes_per_frame: 4 seek_preroll: 0ms codec_delay: 0 has extra data? false encryption scheme: Unencrypted discard decoder delay? false
00:00:00 72 debug Video rendering in low delay mode.
00:00:00 171 video_dds false
00:00:00 171 video_decoder GpuVideoDecoder
00:00:00 171 info Selected GpuVideoDecoder for video decoding, config: codec: h264 format: 1 profile: h264 high coded size: [320,240] visible rect: [0,0,320,240] natural size: [320,240] has extra data? false encryption scheme: Unencrypted rotation: 0°
00:00:00 171 pipeline_state kPlaying
00:00:00 172 audio_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 196 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 196 height 240
00:00:00 196 width 320
00:00:00 196 for_suspended_start false
00:00:00 196 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_ENOUGH
00:00:00 196 info Effective playback rate changed from 0 to 1
00:00:00 196 event PLAY
00:00:00 69 duration unknown
00:00:17 801 video_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING
00:00:20 802 for_suspended_start false
00:00:20 802 pipeline_buffering_state BUFFERING_HAVE_NOTHING

flv.js - log

[download.url] > [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AudioSpecificConfig [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5

[download.url] > [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AudioSpecificConfig [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.64000b [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5

[download.url] > [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AudioSpecificConfig [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.64000b [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5

[download.url] > [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AudioSpecificConfig [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.4d4016 [MSEController] > Notice: video mimeType changed, origin: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.64000b, target: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.4d4016 [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5 [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.4d4016

[download.url] > [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord [FLVDemuxer] > Parsed AudioSpecificConfig [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: video/mp4;codecs=avc1.4d4016 [MSEController] > Received Initialization Segment, mimeType: audio/mp4;codecs=mp4a.40.5

alphonsetai commented 6 years ago


alphonsetai commented 6 years ago

@xqq 情况和我说的可能有点不同,因为我把测试的结果混淆了,我测试过从main -> high或者从high -> main都会有问题。

chyingp commented 5 years ago

codec变化后,音视频播放同时卡住似乎是在1.4.0引入的,具体是这次提交:MP4Remuxer: Not process if only one sample existed to avoid guessing …

对比:把 _remuxAudio、_reduxVideo 方法的这段判断去掉,就可以正常播放。(得研究下为什么加这段判断,去掉会有什么问题。)

        if (!samples || samples.length === 0) {

@xqq @alphonsetai

alphonsetai commented 5 years ago

codec变化后,音视频播放同时卡住似乎是在1.4.0引入的,具体是这次提交:MP4Remuxer: Not process if only one sample existed to avoid guessing …

对比:把 _remuxAudio、_reduxVideo 方法的这段判断去掉,就可以正常播放。(得研究下为什么加这段判断,去掉会有什么问题。)

        if (!samples || samples.length === 0) {

@xqq @alphonsetai


chyingp commented 4 years ago

@alphonsetai 找到具体原因了,当codec发生变化时,flv.js 会生成新的 init segment,然后 append 到 mse里。

因为 mp4-remuxer 中 _videoStashedLastSample、_audioStashedLastSample 的存在,导致这个切换过程大概率会失败,因为新的 init segment 已经 append 到mse里,但是 旧的 video sample 或audio sample 还在缓存里。

此时会出现『用新的codec 去解 新的 sample』,因此会失败。

alphonsetai commented 4 years ago

@alphonsetai 找到具体原因了,当codec发生变化时,flv.js 会生成新的 init segment,然后 append 到 mse里。

因为 mp4-remuxer 中 _videoStashedLastSample、_audioStashedLastSample 的存在,导致这个切换过程大概率会失败,因为新的 init segment 已经 append 到mse里,但是 旧的 video sample 或audio sample 还在缓存里。

此时会出现『用新的codec 去解 新的 sample』,因此会失败。

一年多了,兄弟还记得这个事情定位,点个赞啊。因为我自己是非web开发人员,当时再看media-internals的日志时,对比了hls.js的情况,确实没看到ffmpeg re-init。但又无法确认,确实不晓得该不该说。兄弟厉害,加个联系方式,以后多多交流啊

chyingp commented 4 years ago

试了下,可以做如下改动: @alphonsetai 1、codec 切换时,将 videoTrack、audioTrack 里的 sample 都送去 remux (包括 stashedSample) -- 处理卡死问题 2、videoSample、audioSample 一起 remux时,检测 audioSample、videoSample 之间的 dts 差,超过一定的值时,丢弃一些sample -- 处理音画不同步问题

更优雅合理的处理,静候 @xqq 大佬发版 😄

thinkboy commented 4 years ago

@chyingp 刚遇到相同问题了。大佬有没有简单粗暴的修改方式,fork一份代码修改看一下?


xqq commented 4 years ago


SuperJolly commented 4 years ago

codec变化后,音视频播放同时卡住似乎是在1.4.0引入的,具体是这次提交:MP4Remuxer: Not process if only one sample existed to avoid guessing …

对比:把 _remuxAudio、_reduxVideo 方法的这段判断去掉,就可以正常播放。(得研究下为什么加这段判断,去掉会有什么问题。)

        if (!samples || samples.length === 0) {

@xqq @alphonsetai

if (samples.length === 1 && !force) {
    // If [sample count in current batch] === 1 && (force != true)
    // Ignore and keep in demuxer's queue


SuperJolly commented 4 years ago

@alphonsetai 可以试试这个PR: #551 ,我这边验证了下不同的场景,没有复现之前的问题。

alphonsetai commented 4 years ago

@alphonsetai 可以试试这个PR: #551 ,我这边验证了下不同的场景,没有复现之前的问题。


SuperJolly commented 4 years ago

@xqq 大佬最近有空改下吗?😄

wy513222130 commented 3 years ago

@chyingp 刚遇到相同问题了。大佬有没有简单粗暴的修改方式,fork一份代码修改看一下?



wechat361 commented 1 year ago

试了下,可以做如下改动: @alphonsetai 1、codec 切换时,将 videoTrack、audioTrack 里的 sample 都送去 remux (包括 stashedSample) -- 处理卡死问题 2、videoSample、audioSample 一起 remux时,检测 audioSample、videoSample 之间的 dts 差,超过一定的值时,丢弃一些sample -- 处理音画不同步问题

更优雅合理的处理,静候 @xqq 大佬发版 😄
