Closed blue1991 closed 7 years ago
temporary workaround:
git checkout k0.6.2
patch sh android/ armv7a
git stash
git checkout master
git stash pop
i'll fix it asap
@ctiao I did that: git clone ijkplayer-android cd ijkplayer-android git checkout k0.6.2 ./ cd android/contrib ./ clean ./ all
but,print that:
FF_ALL_ARCHS = armv5 armv7a arm64 x86 x86_64 FF_ACT_ARCHS = armv5 armv7a arm64 x86 x86_64
build on Linux x86_64 ANDROID_NDK=/home/chen/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle IJK_NDK_REL=13.1.3345770 You need the NDKr10e or later
You need the NDKr10e or later
The NDK is latest version, when i git checkout -B latest k0.7.4, i can build. But,i checkout k0.6.2, build failed. Try a few times before, as well.
temporary workaround:
git checkout k0.6.2
patch sh android/ armv7a
git stash
git checkout -B latest k0.7.4
git stash pop
NDK r13 was not supported on k0.6.2
@ctiao I did that, successful.How do I support C ++ compilation?I want to import After compilation,log is that: Can you help me? This is my file structure: and i add "LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(realpath $(LOCAL_PATH)/ijkmedia/ijkplayer/glm)" in jni/
I solved the problem,thanks!
@blue1991 How did you solve it?
@blue1991 how did u solve it?
I have three problem.
I executed "sh android/ armv7a" , print : patch apply ==> armv7a error: 打补丁失败:android/ijkplayer/.gitignore:6 error: android/ijkplayer/.gitignore:补丁未应用 git apply ==> patches/0001-gitignore-ignore-.externalNativeBuild.patch error: 打补丁失败:android/ijkplayer/build.gradle:5 error: android/ijkplayer/build.gradle:补丁未应用 git apply ==> patches/0002-gradle-upgrade-build-tool-to-2.2.0-beta2.patch error: 打补丁失败:android/ijkplayer/ijkplayer-armv7a/build.gradle:10 error: android/ijkplayer/ijkplayer-armv7a/build.gradle:补丁未应用 error: 打补丁失败:android/ijkplayer/ijkplayer-example/build.gradle:44 error: android/ijkplayer/ijkplayer-example/build.gradle:补丁未应用 git apply ==> patches/0003-armv7a-enable-debugging-with-LLDB.patch error: 打补丁失败:ijkmedia/ijkplayer/ error: ijkmedia/ijkplayer/补丁未应用 git apply ==> patches/0004-armv7a-link-prebuilt-staic-libraries-of-ffmepg.patch
and android studio log:
I want to include, but build failed.I created a android studio2.2's demo,it's successful.