bill-auger / av-caster

A light-weight native gStreamer GUI for screencast, webcam, and audio recording and streaming
87 stars 15 forks source link

design logo/icon #42

Open bill-auger opened 8 years ago

bill-auger commented 8 years ago

small icon for taskbar etc - transparent .png format - 48x48 pixels - but should look ok at 24x24

the current logo in master av48

designuiru commented 8 years ago

24_1 24_2 48_2 48_1

bill-auger commented 8 years ago

i like that general AV motif quite a lot - it was essentially my original ideas and i would like to experiment more with those shapes - looking about the web tho i found several existing logos that are very similar as i expected to with such a simple design - best to put some more ideas on the table for consideration - ideally to be clearly distinguishable from any other existing logo

i had a go at tweaking these shapes a bit

logo-v3-0-48 logo-v3-0-24 logo-v3-1-48 logo-v3-1-24 logo-v3-0 ------ logo-v3-1

logo-v3-2-48 logo-v3-2-24 logo-v3-3-48 logo-v3-3-24 logo-v3-2 ------ logo-v3-3

logo-v3-4a-48 logo-v3-4a-24 logo-v3-4b-48 logo-v3-4b-24 logo-v3-4a ------ logo-v3-4b

designuiru commented 8 years ago

av48 av24

designuiru commented 8 years ago


logo1 logo2 logo4

EDIT: per bill-auger the original image here had four different logos each greater than 100px in size and all on a single image - i have cut these out and scaled them down to spec - it is not useful to see these logos at such a large size - most of that detail will be lost in the actual context - they are intended to be icons and will only ever be seen at sizes such as 48x48, 24x24, 16x16

designuiru commented 8 years ago


big logo


EDIT: per bill-auger the original image here was larger than 600px in size and in .jpg format - there is no context in which this image would be useful - it is a new design though so i have scaled it down to spec and converted to .png - please follow the spec