bill-auger / av-caster

A light-weight native gStreamer GUI for screencast, webcam, and audio recording and streaming
87 stars 15 forks source link

Fail building on Fedora 24 #57

Closed platedodev closed 7 years ago

platedodev commented 8 years ago

After running this script on Fedora 24:

### build dependencies ###
su -c "dnf install freetype-devel gcc-c++ gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel                \
             libircclient-devel libX11-devel libXinerama-devel libXcursor-devel"
### runtime dependencies (rpmfusion repositories) ###
su -c "dnf install $REPO1_PKG $REPO2_PKG"
su -c "dnf install gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free \
                gstreamer1-plugins-ugly libircclient1"
### compile ###
cd Builds/Makefile
su -c "make install"
### run ###

I'm getting this error:

No package libircclient1 available. Error: Unable to find a match. Compiling juce_core.cpp Compiling juce_data_structures.cpp Compiling juce_events.cpp Compiling juce_graphics.cpp Compiling juce_gui_basics.cpp Linking AvCaster Password: make: *\ No rule to make target 'install'. Stop. ./ line 17: av-caster: command not found

bill-auger commented 8 years ago

sry - libircclient1 is a typo - libircclient is installed above along with libircclient-devel

im not sure what is happening with the install step but it appears that the binary has built successfully - it can be run from the Builds/Makefile/ dir like: ./build/av-caster

bill-auger commented 7 years ago

i was able to compile and run on fedora24 - i had some runtime gStreamer errors but these were likely due to running in QEMU

i could not reproduce the install error tho - make install and make uninstall both worked as expected