billchen198318 / bamboobsc

next version move to, bambooBSC is an opensource Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Business Intelligence (BI) Web platform. BSC's Vision, Perspectives, Objectives of strategy, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Strategy Map, and SWOT, PDCA & PDCA report, Time Series Analysis.
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[User question] Measure data's Target and KPI's Target difference #53

Closed billchen198318 closed 6 years ago

billchen198318 commented 7 years ago


Congrats for the BambooBSC project. I've downloaded it about two weeks ago to use it as my BSC system. I have just entered the basic information like: Employee, organization, Vision, perspectives, objectives, KPIs.

Right now i'm testing the system with de measure data but i've some questions, and i wondering if you could help me with them.

As you can see on the image, for every measure of any KPI, there is a need to enter both the Target and the actual data. Even if the KPI has already the target value defined.

Also, de frequency must relay on every KPI definition and not for every measure data.

With the situations explain above, when i am going to create a KPI report, i can just obtain the report for the KPI in the same frequency as they have been entered. If people enter a measure data in different frequencies, how can a report be build for the whole year with all the KPIs?

I don't know if maybe there is an issue with this or i don't know how to use Bamboo BSC.

kpi measure

1. As you can see on the image, for every measure of any KPI, there is a need to enter both the Target and the actual data. Even if the KPI has already the target value defined. Also, de frequency must relay on every KPI definition and not for every measure data.


KPIs Target is scored value, it means measure data into formula and kpi aggregation method calculation result. Measure target is means this measure target, it not calculation score result. The are difference.

Example : 2017/01 need create product 10 carts. but actual complete 8 carts. 2017/02 need create product 8 carts. but actual complete 8 carts.

Query date range 2017 , frequency is month.

KPI target min is 60 , target is 110, max is 150. KPI's formual is F001 percent of target, aggregation method is AVG. F001 = actual ÷ target × 100; aggregation method is AVG; measure 2017/01, target input 10 . acutal input 8 , KPI date range score is 8 ÷ 10 × 100 = 80 measure 2017/02, target input 8 . acutal input 8 , KPI date range score is 8 ÷ 8 × 100 = 100 2017/01 score 80 + 2017/02 score 100 = 180 / 2 = 90 , the 90 is KPIs default score.

in the bambooBSC report or dashboard , Often take the calculation result score(90) to compare with the KPIs target(110) , to check whether to achieve the goal.

2. If people enter a measure data in different frequencies, how can a report be build for the whole year with all the KPIs?


Example : Employee(bill) input measure data frequency is "month". but employee(tiffany) input measure data frequency is "year". Query report frequency select "year" tiffany has score, but bill will zero score. because no bill's year measure data. so need year frequency report need input year measure-data, need month frequency report need input month measure-data.

bambooBSC Can not help you frequency-month to integrate the adult frequency-year. But you can use bambooBSC Expression and Expression-JOB to do similar work, need self write Expression and config expression-job. it maybe not easy.

May not be able to meet your request, but a reference.