billchurch / webssh2

Web SSH Client using ssh2,, xterm.js, and express. webssh webssh2
MIT License
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authorized_keys #361

Open KupueIIIKo opened 3 months ago

KupueIIIKo commented 3 months ago

How do I change my connection authorized_keys? Or tell me where? I remade the client where I sent the login and password to the client from the browser and it connected. But now I can't because other servers issue a single-line key ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaClyc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQCuDrbDpAo4rkH0GegICr0m5uVk7HZHif0c6E5qV.....

KupueIIIKo commented 3 months ago

I didn't understand the theory well