billerickson / Gallery-Metabox

Displays all the post's attached images on the Edit screen.
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Any plans for new WP 3.5 media integration? #6

Open maarcin opened 11 years ago

maarcin commented 11 years ago

Hi Bill,

Great plugin :) I've got a question about wordpress 3.5. Are you planning to change standard thickbox to new media menager from wp 3.5?

Best Marcin

billerickson commented 11 years ago

Yes, I am planning on introducing this soon, but there's a few things holding it back:

  1. I have too much client work right now, but am hoping it will die down over Christmas
  2. I need to do some digging into the new media library to make sure I can get it working the way I want. The default view shows all images uploaded everywhere. I need to limit it to just images uploaded to this page, since you can't add other images to the gallery.

Luckily WordPress didn't remove the old one, so the plugin still works.

Pixelous commented 11 years ago

@billerickson will be great to see your plugin with new media menager from wp 3.5 too!

maarcin commented 11 years ago

Great news :)

In 3.5 version you can choose from dropdown: 'All media items' or 'Uploaded to this page'.

And from what I've noticed you can attach whatever picture you want by the ID of attachement and shortcode looks like this [gallery ids="486,472,471,470"].

Best Marcin

billerickson commented 11 years ago

Yes you can, but I want the default view to be "uploaded to this page"

Pixelous commented 11 years ago

I beleive there is some WordPress filter to achive this the default view to be "uploaded to this page".

BlockchainGuruClub commented 11 years ago

@billerickson See Change the default-view of Media Library in 3.5

Just in case of :)
