billhung / GGJ2020

Repair Shūri Castle 修理城, a Global GameJam #GGJ2020 game made in 2 days
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雑談 misc. topics #5

Open billhung opened 4 years ago

billhung commented 4 years ago

New Orlean テーマのVRゲーム

billhung commented 4 years ago

ライオンさんに見せた shown Ryan

billhung commented 4 years ago

Photogrammetry NagoyaのStar Warsビデオを見せる Notre Dame 3D 再現ビデオ 首里城3DのNHK再現ビデオ

cormojs commented 4 years ago


billhung commented 4 years ago

Yo @Reapist, There will be an Unreal Gamejam at Nagoya Game-bu, maybe just your thing? 🐻

billhung commented 4 years ago

Yo @cormojs, We can chat about the Facebook Hackathon here. (Ref: 🐻

Reapist commented 4 years ago

Cool! Thanks for letting me know! I wouldn't have seen it. But yea, I might not be able to go depending on my jobs

billhung commented 3 years ago

Hey @cormojs and @Reapist,

GGJ21 will soon be upon us. Are you guys joining this year?

I will join this year as well, gonna be the 1st online GGJ and it's gonna be my 4th time joining GGJ.

How about you guys?