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What happens when a user clicks 'share with therapist'? #100

Open deltanovember opened 12 years ago

deltanovember commented 12 years ago

With reference to the following page

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

Billie, A modal drops down showing an input box saying "Enter therapist's email address" and an input box saying "Enter your name"

deltanovember commented 12 years ago

OK so the designers have to do that one. Then what content gets sent across to the therapist? How do we make sure they don't use this feature to send spam e-mail?

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

I've put two wireframes in dropmark.

The first wireframe shows a user sharing a monthly mood graph:

The second wireframe shows a user sharing a weekly mood graph:

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

@fcjne Given a student is on When I click Share with therapist Then I should see a modal that drops down and shows this:

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

@akshatpradhan - in modal, "tell the therapist who its from" should be "tell the therapist who it's from."