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Is the mood graph on the profile page in a good place? #126

Closed billiedemott closed 12 years ago

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

I have heard some negative feedback regarding the placement of the mood graph on the profile.

2 test users have commented:

  1. the placement doesn't pull them in
  2. It is a "leap of faith" putting the graph front & center
  3. It looks like a cardiogram
  4. "I might not want to share that info or at least not so prominently."

Possible Solution:

  1. I suggest we move the mood graph into its own pill.
  2. In the pill, the default will be to share your graph. Users who do not want to share can change this default.
  3. The pill order would then read: "about, vents, mood graph, support circle."
  4. I will think of something to put in the empty space at the top of "About." Ideas include a list of your site stats (how many vents, how many relates, etc) or eventually if we gamify our site - your badges/rewards can be displayed in this space.

In the future, we might want to consider whether people in your support circle can write underneath your mood graph.

What are your thoughts regarding this change? If you think this is worth exploring at this time, I'll wireframe this.

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

I feel like people are saying this under the assumption that they're real name would be exposed. Convincing people to get out of that mindset would be difficult because they're so use to the Facebook system of "everything you do and say WILL be traced back to you"

@billiedemott should ask herself, "if i'm anonymous, would I be comfortable showing my graph anonymously to the whole world?"

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

putting into thoughts