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Web-based treatment plan #135

Open billiedemott opened 12 years ago

billiedemott commented 12 years ago


  1. I believe students will seek treatment on a site that lets them see their therapy “Treatment Plan” & receive encouragement to execute this plan. Encouragement would be in the forms of therapist reminder emails, motivation through seeing a progress bar fill & being able to send feedback about their plan.
  2. I believe therapists will seek to treat on a site that facilitates their treatment plans & makes them easier to execute.


  3. Students will be more engaged in treatment if they can easily see what the treatment entails.
  4. Students will be more engaged in treatment if they receive regular reminder emails from their therapist.
  5. Students will be more motivated to complete a treatment plan if they visually see progress in the form of a progress bar filling.
  6. Students will be more engaged in treatment if they can send feedback to their therapist after they have completed a treatment goal.
  7. Treatment for a student will be improved if they are more engaged with the treatment plan.
  8. Therapists will desire to treat on a site that facilitates their treatment plan.
  9. Therapists will desire to treat on a site that keeps their practice up to date.
  10. Therapists will think technology makes treatment easier to execute.
  11. Therapists will think that these tools help their patient’s treatment.
  12. Therapists will believe that students think using technology helps their treatment.
  13. Therapists will believe that just as doctors must employ new medical devices to treat patients, therapists should employ new treatment mechanisms to improve patient outcomes.

    User Story

As a therapist, I want to employ technological tools in my practice, So that my practice stays current with the times & is the most effective it can be.

As a student patient, I want my therapist to employ technological tools in their practice, So that I can stick with the outlined treatment & my treatment is as effective as it can be.

Functionality Proposal

Therapists have a list of patients they are treating (ones that they treat online as well as ones that they treat in person). Those patients that are treated in person also must have an account.

1) A therapist can give a “homework assignment” which shows up in a “treatment plan” that the patient can view.* (Read about CBT below to understand concept of “homework assignment.”)

2) A therapist can send reminders to their patients to execute the homework assignment.

Here is example of how it might work:

Given a therapist has assigned in their “patient list” that Susan Clark “attend a social event,” And the therapist wants to remind Susan Clark to complete this task, Then therapist sends a reminder email to Susan Clark that reads “Susan, don’t forget to complete your homework to attend a social event. Send me feedback once you’re finished. If you feel you cannot complete this assignment, send me feedback letting know what your hesistations are.”

(Therapist sends out “canned” reminders to her patient list, but each canned response also automatically fills in the specific hw assignment of a patient by transferring input from the patient list.)

Given Susan Clark completes this task to “attend a social event,” Then she clicks that she’s completed this in her “treatment plan.”

Given Susan Clark clicks that she’s completed this in her “treatment plan,” Then she sees a progress bar that fills to the top.

Given Susan Clark clicks that she’s completed this in her “treatment plan,” Then she is given an opportunity to send feedback about how she felt completing this task to her therapist.

Given this therapist receives this feedback, Then they can use this as a launching off point in their sessions.

Therapists that do not use CBT, can also use this system. They can still have a patient list & will be able to send reminders or support (or whatever their method is). They can still assign a treatment plan.

In this way, the site can work to augment treatment as well as provide a way for therapists to expand their practice. While insurance debates about whether to cover online therapy, we can begin moving therapists into using online tools to improve their treatment effectiveness, getting them used to the concept of treating online. Even if they don’t use the video chat, they can use the tools to make their treatment more effective.

yoruguayo commented 12 years ago

I like the idea of a progress bar and I believe in their power of generate engagement and how powerful could be for student and therapists. This idea remind me the song player of in wich you can see comments like modal tooltips popup.

In your progress bar, this comment window could be a lot of things, like a note of you about a specific moment of the treatment, a therapist comment or reminder, an achievement, etc, etc and from each one you can launch other functionalities.

this is an screenshot of the song player

billiedemott commented 12 years ago


I can't seem to see this screenshot you posted. Can you post again? I'd like to be able to visualize what you're thinking.
