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Vent Stream Transformation #136

Open billiedemott opened 12 years ago

billiedemott commented 12 years ago


  1. I believe therapists would post insightful articles, advice & thoughts to build a reputation on the site & distinguish themselves from the other therapists.
  2. I believe students would read posts from therapists. They would comment & “recommend “ (rather than “relate”) to therapist posts.


  3. Therapists would invest the time to post.
  4. Therapists would see this as an opportunity to market themselves on the site.
  5. Students would seek advice & help through reading therapists’ posts.
  6. Students would give feedback to therapists in the form of “recommending” & commenting.

    User Story

As a therapist, I would want to post articles, advice, etc, So that I can distinguish myself from the other therapists on the site & simulateneously provide students with helpful information.

As a student, I would want a central location where I could read posts from therapists, So that I can check out information that might make me feel better & find a therapist that I might want to talk to .

As a student, I would want to see posts from therapists, So that I feel I can trust that my therapist is interested in helping people.


Create a wireframe that transforms the “vent stream” into a stream of positivity (a “healing stream”?) where therapists post & students comment/recommend. Due by May 18th.

(rage face supplanted with therapist picture) (“relate” button to “recommend” button)