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Additional Personas #141

Open billiedemott opened 12 years ago

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

Use SHL as a model & Spillnow streams to help construct 3-4 more personas.

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

@akshatpradhan - if you have time, can you put this in Omni format to send to Marina & Hamza.


Kate is a generally happy, well-functioning human being. She laughs frequently & has lots of friends. She is able to keep up with her schoolwork, but can get very anxious & overwhelmed by the quantity of work she needs to get done. She feels fine when everything is in control, but when things start getting a little out of control she is easily frazzled. No one would describe Kate as having “mental health issues,” but she does find it helpful to see a therapist to keep herself centered. She knows she is an anxious person & knows that she has to manage that anxiety to make sure it doesn’t consume her.

Quote: “I’m happy, but my anxiety is always in the background. And I know it can flare up & upturn my life.”





billiedemott commented 12 years ago


Tim is an unusual character, but has found his niche on his college campus. He is a stellar pianist, gets good grades, gets along with other students and has a core set of close friends . He however suffers from terrible insomnia and can sometimes go days without sleeping. The combination of not sleeping & having to keep up with school deadlines overwhelms him. He feels shaky & out of control often. He is incredibly stressed out when he tries to sleep and is not able to. When he can’t sleep, he feels he is wasting time, but also can’t concentrate because he is so tired. He takes sleeping pills, but they don’t help fully. He also knows they cause addiction. He goes to a therapist to talk about these problems, worries and general life issues. He was told that therapy can help insomnia. As well he goes to get prescribed sleeping pills. He often has to explain his sleeping problems to his professors because he has to get deadline extensions. He hates doing this.

Quote: “My sleeping problems lead to anxiety problems & a feeling of being out of control. I still however enjoy life & my friends.”





billiedemott commented 12 years ago


Sam has been dating a girl for a year that he’s not sure he wants to be with. She is attractive, but he finds her boring. In fact, his friends joke about what a bore she is. It is really stressing him out. His girlfriend is really nice to him & very attentive, but he’s not into it. This has happened before so he wonders if it’s just him. He also struggles with the idea of breaking up with her. The thought of breaking up & not knowing when he’ll meet someone else makes him nervous. Since his friends make fun of his girlfriend, he doesn’t feel like he can get objective advice from them that he can act on. He does regularly talk to them about relationship issues, but this is serious. He sees a therapist every once in a while to go over issues like this. He always has since he was a little kid.

Quote: “Should I stay with my girlfriend or shouldn’t I? How can I break up with her without her hating me?”





billiedemott commented 12 years ago


Xiawu is a perfectionist. She attends a very prestigious university & was top of her class in high school. She was on the swim team at her boarding school & was such a good violinist that she was accepted to the most famous conservatories in the States. She feels immense pressure to be perfect in every facet of her life – in academics, in her musical talents & physically. Her obsession with perfection has led her to develop an eating disorder. She swims 2 hours a day & fasts regularly. She constantly thinks about food and her calorie intake. Her hair is beginning to fall out & she mentions this several times to her freshman roommates. Her roommates let their Resident Counselor (an older student that lives on their floor) know about Xiawu’s problem. The RC holds a floor meeting to let all the residents know about the mental health services offered because he doesn’t want to single Xiawu out. This meeting makes something click in Xiawu & she investigates seeing a therapist online. She wouldn’t want to visit the counseling center on campus because that would tarnish her image of perfection.

Quote: “I’m obsessed with being perfect & my obsession might be getting out of control. Why is this happening?”





billiedemott commented 12 years ago

See dropmark personas folder.