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Wireframes for various projects
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General Questions and Requests. #143

Open hamzajilani opened 12 years ago

hamzajilani commented 12 years ago

Hi Guys,

I'm going through the documents and so far i think this idea will have a huge impact if we executed the right way.

I will definitely use this application once released!

We need to talk via Skype so we can discuss your vision behind this app and start gathering the documents together, the documents you have here are full of information but its not organized and we will not be able to use it (except the personas).

I will start organizing the documents and send share it on Google.

Also it will be great if you can provide the following:

1- I need a list of similar web applications, not necessarily the same idea, but talk about the same subject. 2- a list of similar Iphone and Ipad apps 3- is this service for free? is there premium users? 4- what is the business model?

Let's schedule a Skype call tomorrow or after tomorrow, please let me what is the best time for you.

Regards, Hamza