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Comment on entries #151

Closed theoxygenated closed 12 years ago

theoxygenated commented 12 years ago

Allow commenting, perhaps replying to another commenter by using @, e.g. user could click Reply for a comment and jumpt to comment field that will be prefilled with @username to who this user is replying


**We should think about this one. I think if I was a user asking for feedback, I wouldn't want to feel like my post was a starting point for people to comment to other people. Imagine you are in a room where everyone is focused on you. You share something really personal & ask a group of people for advice. Someone gives you advice, then instead of someone directing their attention at you to give you more advice, they direct the conversation at the person who last gave you advice or commented. The attention & feedback was supposed to be directed at you, but someone who was helping you just stole the show. And on the site, this conversational interaction is etched in stone on your entry, where you are pouring your heart out. I think the @ could feel like that. What are your thoughts?

theoxygenated commented 12 years ago

Billie, great point! I agree, I just thought how I hate when my mom starts to "speak" with my husband's mom in comments to my post which has nothing to do with that :D

Let's not do that!

theoxygenated commented 12 years ago

If we do categorization of entries by their intent what do you think those categories should be? I can see that the following would be useful:

Do you think any of these need to have custom rules as to what options are available for other users to engage? Or if you don't use any of these types it's enough to just have a checkbox when you're adding entry that says something like "I don't wan't anyone to do anything about it"?

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

Issue discussion now merged into Issue #175: