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Goals/tasks as mechanism for stickiness (G4) #156

Open theoxygenated opened 12 years ago

theoxygenated commented 12 years ago

Use the concept of personal improvement plan/goals - e.g. a user can create a goal and add tasks that need to be done for the goal. Having goals, progress to track is something to return to the site for. Checking off things is also mentioned in "experiences users enjoy" sent by Akshat.


Example of the goal would be "Go through my public presentation with minimum stress", and tasks would be "Do it in front of friends", "Provide feedback in front of everyone to some one else who is presenting", etc.) This method is supported by behavioral therapy which focuses on concrete goals to achieve, most usually facing the stimulis that cause the undesired condition (e.g. if you have social anxiety, and public speaking horrifies you - you should go and face it gradually)

billiedemott commented 12 years ago

Yes, this is similar for something I was thinking about for the Treatment Plan section. So let's table it for now & keep it in our heads for that section!

theoxygenated commented 12 years ago

Just for future, here is a cool app with nice UI that works with your goals: