Open billiedemott opened 12 years ago
I absolutely agree 100%! A little option to hit “Thanks” should appear underneath the comment made. I think the patterns in Amazon & Stack Overflow might be a little harsh, no? For example, in that scenario I drew up in Issue #175 where I share something personal, then ask someone “what do you advise.” Imagine you are the person who gives advice. You give your advice. Then a 3rd person in the conversation asks the receiver of the advice – me in this case – if I found the advice helpful or if I thought it was worthy of a thumbs up. Even if, as the advice-giver, I get the thumbs up, or notification that my advice was helpful, I still know it was rated. I think with your idea of just sending a “thanks,” the advice-giver feels good, but they also feel like they weren’t rated. And as they are giving their advice, they aren’t worried that they will be rated badly or will get feedback that their advice wasn’t helpful.
Maybe that’s overly sensitive. But I think just adding a little link underneath the added comment that says “thanks” or “really helpful” & that clickback is sent to the advice-giver would be nice, and is encouraging of future feedback. Also, anyone could click this, not just the original poster if it read “really helpful.” We should also think about some kind of aggregation of these clickbacks, so people are publically shown as helpers to the community.
I’ll try to find some UI examples that impart this kind of thinking, but if you have any immediate ideas in that full head of UI ideas & interfaces, please share.
Yes! Sorry, I should have been more specific about Amazon and Stack Overflow - I totally agree, this is not a popularity contest, so no rating is needed, just a little Thanks/Helpful.
Here is how Thanks look on Quora:
Aggregation - yes, I'll open a new issue to discuss what would be interesting and useful things to aggregate.
Perfect, that is exactly the site I was thinking of! Great screenshot! I'll look out for this aggregation discussion.
Should we not just keep this aggregation discussion in this issue & retitle the issue "Expression of Gratitude for Feedback & Aggregation of Gratitude"?
I think having to shuffle through less issues at the end could be easier for us.
Aggregation discussion in Issue #179:
Lets keep the aggregation discussion in #179 - after all we have options to aggregate several things, not just thank you's. I think this issue is resolved - we know we're going to add a thank you. So with your experience with Github - whats the best way to keep done/resolved items separate but still accessible?
Idea: Part of the positive therapy is improving relationships with people and being grateful to others, so maybe we could have a tiny ʺSend thanksʺ option for giving back to the people who comment on your situation with great sincerity and support. This would be similar to Amazon's reviews helpfulness rating or voting up an answer on StackOverflow