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IxD of Vent Stream #42

Open akshatpradhan opened 12 years ago

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

I was thinking about the IxD of the Vent Stream.

Given I'm on When I enter text into the text area And I select Anxiety for Select a Stream And I click Let it out! Then my Vent is seen above deadmouse's vent

This sounds pretty straight forward, but imagine 20 people doing this all at the same time. Then you'll see something that looks like this:

Take a look at the right hand side and watch how the RSVP's are scrolling very fast. That's not a very enjoyable experience don't you think? What are some ideas we have to make the experience of Venting into the Stream better?

fcjne commented 12 years ago

RSVP of Meetup looks a bit crazy.

What if we try do this with a Twitter way? I like how they "gently introducing" new tweets in global trends. Something like display "25 new Vents" message and update Vents on click.

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

whoa D, that's an amazing idea. That might actually be a very intuitive way of doing things. Let me talk to Danilo and Billie and see what they think about this.

fcjne commented 12 years ago

A, what if we get rid from pagination for vents and will add an infinite scrolling?

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

I think what you mean is Continuous Scrolling: I'm torn by that. I had a discussion with Danilo and we kept going back and forth about Continuous Scrolling. It's something I want to think and discuss more about.

fcjne commented 12 years ago

Ok, but in case of pagination we have same problem as with Vent Stream fast updates.

  1. I'm reading first page of Vent stream from 0 to 20.
  2. At the same time the new Vents added to the database.
  3. I'm opening page #2 and see the same old vents, because they were shifted by new Vents stream records.

Considering this we need some new approach to display streams, e.g. Continous Scrolling.