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students should register successfully #82

Open akshatpradhan opened 12 years ago

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

Given a student is on When I click Register And I add a Username And I add a Password And I click Register Then I should see

Authentication everyauth Reason: Out of all the authentication libraries, everyauth appeared most watched and most supported. However, passport.js shows some promise. It appears to be a simple more modular authentication library. It allows you to drag and use authentication plugins (aka strategies). mongoose-auth maybe worth a look.

deltanovember commented 12 years ago

Side note expressling doesn't even install properly

Build failed: -> task failed (err #1): {task: cxx -> bcrypt_node_1.o} make: *\ [compile] Error 1

npm ERR! Error: ENOENT, lstat

I will go and study the repo and see if I can extract some gems

deltanovember commented 12 years ago

I don't know if you meant the pun but everyauth uses the 'Promise' mechanism whereas passport deliberately moves away from it. Anyway as a geek I appreciate the word play intentional or not :-)

deltanovember commented 12 years ago

I still need to add further functionality depending on what you want. If the username exists do you want them to be notified in the modal? Is Dmitriy going to design the warning widgets?

akshatpradhan commented 12 years ago

@yoruguayo will design the warnings. I'll add this Issue #62