billmccord / OpenCV-Android

A project for porting and optimizing OpenCV for Google's Android OS
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VideoEmulation - Fatal Exception initFaceDetection #12

Closed matiasfha closed 13 years ago

matiasfha commented 13 years ago

(Sorry for my english)

Thanks for all your work...

I try to running de VideoEmulation to test... but the app Crash and Close. In the LogCat window (Eclipse) i see this:

09-29 21:21:46.533: DEBUG/VideoEmulation(454): initFaceDetect 09-29 21:21:46.533: WARN/dalvikvm(454): No implementation found for native Lmsdark/proto/OpenCV;.initFaceDetection (Ljava/lang/String;)Z 09-29 21:21:46.533: DEBUG/AndroidRuntime(454): Shutting down VM 09-29 21:21:46.533: WARN/dalvikvm(454): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001d800) 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): FATAL EXCEPTION: main 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: initFaceDetection 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at msdark.proto.OpenCV.initFaceDetection(Native Method) 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at msdark.proto.VideoEmulation.onResume( 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at$2300( 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at$H.handleMessage( 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at android.os.Looper.loop( 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at$ 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at 09-29 21:21:46.553: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(454): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

The file is loaded i'm using System.load("/data/data/msdark.proto/"); to load the lib (i have trouble with the original method ).

If i don't wrong. The error means that the application call an inexistent method in native library. How can i fix that?

Thanks a lot

matiasfha commented 13 years ago


billmccord commented 13 years ago

I've never seen this, are you running with Android 1.6?

billmccord commented 13 years ago

Oh, I just saw you solved it, thanks.