billmccord / OpenCV-Android

A project for porting and optimizing OpenCV for Google's Android OS
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(Not really an issue...) Any differences between this OpenCV-Android and "official" OpenCV project? #8

Open gymshoe opened 14 years ago

gymshoe commented 14 years ago

In the comments somewhere it says that you have ported the OpenCV to Android. Can I assume that all of the functionality and API's are the same then?

Thanks, Jim

pflammertsma commented 14 years ago

I took a brief look at the source libraries, and they are modified versions of OpenCV 2.0. I only looked at cvhaar.cpp (as this is relevant to my thesis) and the only difference is that some optimizations and multithreading have been removed. I would consider these modifications negligible.

Kalan8 commented 14 years ago

Hello, I have also a question about the port. Actually, I try to carry a program on Android, which is initially developed for Linux using the official OpenCV 2.0 library. The program uses cvNamedWindow(), cvDestroyWindow() functions and some others that are provided by HighGUI. Comparing the inital highgui.h with the modified one, I have seen that some function prototypes, like cvNamedWindow(), had been removed. Can anyone confirm me if these functions and particularly cvNamedWindow() are ported in OpenCV-Android?

Thank you

ntbb commented 13 years ago

All the available versions of porting on the Internet cannot achieve 100% completeness, perhaps because of the different platforms, which are critical issues. The most important for porting is the passing among data(including data types, structures and values), and therefore lots of functions in OpenCV were either slightly modified or composed a new function for the convenience on Java terminal.