billmurrin / graylog-plugin-quickvaluesplus-widget

GrayLog2 QuickValuesPlus Widget
GNU General Public License v3.0
22 stars 3 forks source link

Issues with Graylog 2.4.0-rc.2 #36

Open BufferOverflowed opened 6 years ago

BufferOverflowed commented 6 years ago

I know this is a beta version on Graylog and is unsupported, however, as 2.4 is close to release, I figured id submit this bug report.

I have installed the Quick Values Plus Widget (.jar) on Graylog 2.4 RC2. The configuration options are available in Graylog and the Quick Value Plus Widget is loading the data perfectly. The only issue I am experiencing with this is that I can not add it to a Dashboard. Upon clicking the "add to dashboard", it just sticks at "loading dashboards" and will not populate my available dashboards. I have tried to re-install using different methods and still have the issue. Most likely due to changes in the backend of Graylog. I have attached a picture of the issue to clear things up.

Thanks so much for this widget, and time!

Happy Holidays qvp

atbunds commented 6 years ago

Same effect on my Graylog 2.4-Release installation.

billmurrin commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the report. I'll start focusing efforts on 2.4.0 compatibility now that QVP 3.1.0 has been released for the 2.3.x branch.

pbr0ck3r commented 6 years ago

@billmurrin: I noticed this bug after adding 3.1 plugin and rebooting my server and navigating to the search page. I then added a quick-value widget table and clicked add-to-dashbord. I got the loading text. Once I did a page refresh the bug has not shown up again.

pbr0ck3r commented 6 years ago

Upon further investigation... I get the follow errors after rebooting graylog and trying to load widget on the search page to add it to a dashboard.

g.addOnWritableDashboardsChangedCallback is not a function AddToDashboardMenuRev.jsx:53:4

_initializeDashboards self-hosted:950:17 componentDidMount
O self-hosted:952:17 closeAll
dispatchEvent self-hosted:996:17
jsmucr commented 6 years ago

Still actual with the 2.4.3 stable. Quick values don't work at all since 2.4.0 and fail with the same error as above.

safecyn commented 6 years ago

Definitely still an issue as of this writing: using QVP on 2.4.3 and the 'add to dashboard' function still results in nothing but a loading prompt. Thankfully, it seems like any QVP widgets made on Graylog 2.3.2 still function on their respective dashboards in 2.4.3.

Am I correct in thinking the latest stable release this works fully on is 2.3.2? I don't know if this is an issue big enough to merit a rollback to an older Graylog version, but you never know.

billmurrin commented 6 years ago

@safecyn and @jsmucr - Thank you both for the information. I am tracking incompatibilities with QVP and GL 2.4.x. I'll hopefully be finalizing the 4.x branch of QVP in the next couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay and inconvenience - thanks for your patience.

yuri1969 commented 6 years ago

@billmurrin May I know what is the status? The issue makes whole UX horribly broken.

billmurrin commented 6 years ago

@RIPv1 @safecyn @yuri1969 @jsmucr Status Update: I have started updating my develop branch for v4. Currently in active development. I'm hoping to have v4 released by the end of the week. Thank you for your patience, I'll let you all know when a beta .jar file is available for testing.

billmurrin commented 6 years ago

@RIPv1 @safecyn @yuri1969 @jsmucr @dano0b

I've released QVP 4.0.0 beta. Please test it out and let me know how it goes. I've done limited testing on 2.4.0 and 2.4.4. Please let me know if you run into any issues.

Be sure to remove any old versions, restart Graylog, and clear your browser cache.

BufferOverflowed commented 6 years ago

@billmurrin beta build working great so far on 2.4.4! Thanks so much :)

TobiasKjrsgaard commented 6 years ago

I've been using the beta build with Graylog 2.4.5 for some days now. It seems to be working flawlessly.

Thanks for at great plugin, BTW!

TobiasKjrsgaard commented 5 years ago

Actually, I did find one bug; If you do a search within a stream and create a QuickValues Plus widget on a field from that search, the widget will contain values from a similar search on the All Messages stream and not just the currently selected stream.

Imagine this setup; A search for * during the last 24 hrs in the All Messages stream returns a result set of 1,000 messages while a similar search for * in eg. Custom Stream 1 returns 10 messages. If you then create a QuickValues Plus widget from the search in the custom stream it will show a pie chart with the label "Found 1,000 messages with this field, and 0 messages without it." even though you searched in a result set of only 10 messages.