billthefarmer / gurgle

Fairly simple android word game
GNU General Public License v3.0
56 stars 18 forks source link

Recommend script for testing #8

Closed PoorLazyCoder closed 2 years ago

PoorLazyCoder commented 2 years ago

billthefarmer commented 2 years ago

You could make an app out of that.

billthefarmer commented 2 years ago

Just for fun I knocked up a skeleton app in Kotlin...

Screenshot_20220129-175152 1

PoorLazyCoder commented 2 years ago

Kotlin is too hard for you. Try JavaFx

PoorLazyCoder commented 2 years ago

The Kotlin script were only tested on Windows, If you use it on Android, you need to modify it.

billthefarmer commented 2 years ago

It compiles OK. I haven't tested it yet.

billthefarmer commented 2 years ago

Well it works...

Screenshot_20220130-131250 1

Screenshot_20220130-131645 1

billthefarmer commented 2 years ago

Out of interest, I decompiled the solver with your kotlin code in it as it's quite big and was amazed at the amount of bloat in it...

$ du * -h
36K     kotlin/annotation
272K    kotlin/collections/builders
4.0K    kotlin/collections/jdk8
1.5M    kotlin/collections/unsigned
7.5M    kotlin/collections
212K    kotlin/comparisons
60K     kotlin/concurrent
43K     kotlin/contracts
4.0K    kotlin/coroutines/cancellation
96K     kotlin/coroutines/intrinsics
121K    kotlin/coroutines/jvm/internal
121K    kotlin/coroutines/jvm
413K    kotlin/coroutines
8.0K    kotlin/experimental
4.0K    kotlin/internal/jdk7
8.0K    kotlin/internal/jdk8
132K    kotlin/internal
201K    kotlin/io/path
625K    kotlin/io
8.0K    kotlin/jdk7
4.0K    kotlin/js
136K    kotlin/jvm/functions
37K     kotlin/jvm/internal/markers
4.0K    kotlin/jvm/internal/unsafe
716K    kotlin/jvm/internal
960K    kotlin/jvm
72K     kotlin/math
48K     kotlin/properties
4.0K    kotlin/random/jdk8
144K    kotlin/random
470K    kotlin/ranges
321K    kotlin/reflect
1.1M    kotlin/sequences
36K     kotlin/streams/jdk8
36K     kotlin/streams
8.0K    kotlin/system
4.0K    kotlin/text/jdk8
1.5M    kotlin/text
4.0K    kotlin/time/jdk8
288K    kotlin/time
15M     kotlin
1.8M    org/billthefarmer/wordlesolver
1.8M    org/billthefarmer
54K     org/intellij/lang/annotations
54K     org/intellij/lang
54K     org/intellij
32K     org/jetbrains/annotations
32K     org/jetbrains
1.8M    org

For contrast, my Gurgle app, with just java code...

$ du * -h
52K     android/support/v4/content
52K     android/support/v4
52K     android/support
52K     android
3.7M    org/billthefarmer/gurgle
3.7M    org/billthefarmer
3.7M    org

The 3.7M is because it got 5 dictionaries in it, one of which is enormous.

PoorLazyCoder commented 2 years ago

Normal android phone has storage 32G to 128G, 10M is nothing That is 0.00001%

PoorLazyCoder commented 2 years ago

Kotlin can run on browser, no problem