billwuqin / Green-Energy-Network

Green Energy Network Management Charter Proposal
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Overly specific work items #6

Open tony1athome opened 4 months ago

tony1athome commented 4 months ago

While I appreciate the need to keep things bounded, it seems like the only work product of the proposed group is the current documents on the table. That seems over-constrained.

billwuqin commented 4 months ago

I tend to sympathize to this sentiment. The question is to how to better scope them, on one hand, we need to list all relevant work together on the table to see the whole pictures, on the other hand, we need to prioritize these work items, maybe break down into 2, maybe 3 phases, in the 1st phase, we may just focus on two items:

  1. power metrics, terminology definitions
  2. YANG data model energy and power management on the network devices. The power and energy information can be break down into component level, system level, and network level. to make sure all the people have common understanding on power and energy information, I believe we should have consistent terminology and metric definitions first, this also help align with what other SDOs are doing. And then based on common terminology, metric defintions, then we define common YANG data model for power and energy management. so you can the first could focus on common term and common template to carry green related information, in the 2nd phase, we could expand to explore common protocol, whether it is common telemetry framework or ICMP protocol or other encapsulation. Also one work item I am not sure is energy aware routing, it seems ICMP protocol extension can work together with energy aware routing. but if we head toward energy aware routing, IGP/BGP protocols exensions are also needed.
jariarkko commented 4 months ago

Tony makes a reasonable request. I think Qin's proposal is probably workable, in fact I would prefer to see WG focus on phase 1 and be later rechartered for the next steps.

In any case, if Qin your text in the previous comment was meant as a charter text, it would have to come with some explanations, e.g., the current charter text is good when it is pointing about amending or creating YANG models (which we will have to investigate).