billycao / Wi-Mote

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Server display IP issue #7

Open Saqib117 opened 12 years ago

Saqib117 commented 12 years ago

Currently showing wrong IP address in server,

I already mentioned to James but just wanted to put it on the issues... i thought it was here but i guess not.

billycao commented 12 years ago

Just a note, it actually shows the right IP but just picks from the default network adapter. I believe fixing this problem would involve letting the user pick the network adapter or have a smarter way of picking one.

Saqib117 commented 12 years ago

yeah, but from the user point of view, they shouldn't have to deal with that :-/ it shows my hamachi IP, maybe an option to cycle through IPs? and then for that particular computer it just remember what IP in the sequence to show next time.

(from users point of view it would say something along the lines of "if this IP doesn't work cycle to next and try again")

billycao commented 12 years ago

I don't like the idea of cluttering the UI with text. I rather like the UX principle of simplicity. I don't know how the server currently decides which network adapter to use, but I think, if possible, the optimal would be picking the adapter in a smarter way (I'm sure James got this), and then allow the user to change the adapter in settings.

In the end I trust James' decision on this.