bimangle / forge-engine-samples

ForgeEngine can export your model to other formats, such as Autodesk Forge Viewer SVF/F2D, glTF/glb, Cesium 3D Tiles, etc. No need to rely on other online services, can be run offline.
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InvalidOperationException when processing large model #19

Open stevent-perth opened 2 months ago

stevent-perth commented 2 months ago

I am having an issue consistently across different machines (even a machine with 1TB RAM) where the processing of a model gets to 44% and then stops with the following error message(s):

   Processing, 42%
    Processing, 43%
    Processing, 44%
    Shutdown Autodesk Navisworks Automation ...
    Shutdown Autodesk Navisworks Automation succeeded!
    Job completed, Result: Fail
    System.InvalidOperationException: Error calling method: -2147023170

at Autodesk.Navisworks.Api.Automation.NavisworksApplication.RunAction(Char* action, String[] parameters) at CallSite.Target(Closure , CallSite , Object , String , String ) at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecute3[T0,T1,T2,TRet](CallSite site, T0 arg0, T1 arg1, T2 arg2) at ac.b(Options A_0, CancellationToken A_1)

Does this mean there is a limitation on file size for Automation? The Navisworks file is around 4GB in size

bimangle commented 1 month ago

As far as I know, Navisworks automation does not have such a limitation, you can try the following:

  1. Update Engine Express NW to latest version;
  2. Use the task manager to observe the memory consumption during running. If the memory usage exceeds 70%, the memory may be insufficient.
  3. Export the output data from the toolbar of Navisowrks and check whether the output data can be exported successfully. If it is successful, there is a bug in Navisworks automation.
  4. You can send a copy of data to us for testing;