binance / binance-public-data

Details on how to get Binance public data
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aggTrades and historicalTrades return incomplete data. #376

Open b1-88er opened 1 week ago

b1-88er commented 1 week ago

Even though I set "fromId" to be 1 I get data starting from 437921759. This is regardless of the ticker, ETHUSDT is the same thing. Data used to be available from the Id 1. If that changed for this endpoint is there another way other than downloading the zip files?

tachikoma-av commented 3 days ago

you can download them zip files directly from , aggTrades are there 100%, not sure about historical trades

b1-88er commented 1 day ago

I am aware. However when asking the trades since id=1 I get ones starting from 437921759. Having such gap doesn't feel right.