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Change in payout #276

Closed BotBrazil closed 7 years ago

BotBrazil commented 7 years ago

How do I get the bot to accept the payout change that exists in the currencies and does not stop working because of that change. I realized that volatily we do not have this problem, but in forex currency pairs we have. please help me. Tks

Fruitfella commented 7 years ago

U cant amigo. I think when the bot propose a contract to server, there r these contract details (including price) and they make sure that the contract details match the data on the server before they approve it. That because conflicts might occur due to the differences in the contract u proposed with the contract they approved. U know that any contract must be the exact same on both side right?

Like if u propose when the payout was 78% but when the contract was received by the server the payout changed to 80%, if they approved this contract, there might be some conflicts after the contract closed. Perhaps u might want to sue them (would u? lol) cuz that is not the payout u proposed.

aminmarashi commented 7 years ago

@Fruitfella yes, you're right. But with the new design, we can make this happen by jumping from the second block directly to the first block without purchasing the contract. I'll check the possibilities to implement this feature.

aminmarashi commented 7 years ago

@BotBrazil In order to change the payout you need to change the stake in Binary Bot. Let's say your stake is 1 USD, and payout is 1.75 USD and your desired payout is 2 USD How are you going to achieve this? You have two choices here:

  1. change the stake (by jumping to the first block (trade definition))
  2. wait until the payout reaches 2 USD automatically

The problem with the first approach is that you probably won't reach your desired payout after the stake is changed (you may be a little off e.g. 2.10 USD or 1.90 USD).

The first solution requires to change the core functionality of Binary Bot, so let's clarify which approach do you prefer.

Fruitfella commented 7 years ago

I think the 1st solution is better. The 2nd can be out of strategy, i mean the indicator (or price direction) might change and out of the conditions for purchase before it reach the desired payout.

Or perhaps its better to just cancel the purchase, so the bot will make purchase in the next 'right conditions' and 'right payout'? but this mean it will be the opposite of what @BotBrazil asked 😝

aminmarashi commented 7 years ago

Good point @Fruitfella. However, I'm trying to guess what @BotBrazil is trying to achieve by changing the payout. What seems most reasonable to me is that he's trying to earn a certain amount of profit (payout - stake) which also means he needs to change the stake which in turn can change the payout amount. However, it may take multiple iterations before he reaches the desired profit amount.

@Fruitfella as you mentioned before, to get a new price for a contract we need to ask for a new contract from servers. This may take some time during which you may miss the ideal position to purchase a contract.

@BotBrazil It's best if you can demonstrate what you're trying to do by doing it manually on our trading platforms or an example of what you're trying to do.

BotBrazil commented 7 years ago

Gentlemen, @Fruitfella @aminmarashi I ask for forgiveness if I express myself badly and with that I have made you lose your precious times. What happens is that other than the payout is fixed (94%), the Forex is variable, which causes the interruption of the work of the bot, when the payout drastically changes the bot simply to. I want a solution just for that. And again thank you!

elyyyes commented 6 years ago

Hi everybody,

someone can help me in this please ?

thank you in advance for cooperate Regards