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[Feature]: 【解析项目源代码.py】 on C Lang #1837

Open SakuraPuare opened 1 month ago

SakuraPuare commented 1 month ago

Class | 类型


Feature Request | 功能请求

Although in general, the suffix names of C/C++files are as follows, sometimes the suffixes of some projects can be very complex

This is the extension given under different standards now refers to C++源文件的后缀名问题- petercao

Unix: c, cc, cxx, c GNU C++: c, cc, cxx, cpp, c++ Digital Mars: cpp, cxx Borland C++: cpp Watcom: cpp Microsoft Visual C++: cpp, cxx, cc Metrowerks CodeWarrior: cpp, cp, cc, cxx, c++

Can we consider to add some of them to the glob patten like .cc or .cxx