Closed Engelberg closed 7 years ago
I would write:
(def game-ctor (gget "Phaser.Game")) ; this is equivalent of (oget js/Phaser "Game")
(def game (game-ctor. <args>))
This should produce valid code under both compilation modes.
Please note that you cannot write:
(def game ((gget "Phaser.Game"). <args>))
due to cljs compiler limitation.
Thanks. I didn't see gget
in the README, so I didn't realized it existed and have been struggling with how to interact with things you'd access via js/
Relatedly, I've been struggling with making all the calls necessary to inherit from a foreign class and override one of the methods.
I ended up with this, using oget:
(let [particle-class (fn [game x y key frame]
(this-as this
(.call (oget js/Phaser "Particle") this game x y key frame)))]
(oset! particle-class "prototype" (js/Object.create (oget js/Phaser "Particle.prototype")))
(oset! particle-class "prototype.update"
(fn [] (this-as this
... custom logic goes here ...
(ocall js/Phaser "Particle.prototype.update" this))))
I figured this out through a lot of trial and error. I don't completely understand why I seemed to need (.call (oget js/Phaser "Particle") args...)
to call the superclass constructor, but I was able to do (ocall js/Phaser "Particle.prototype.update" this)
to call the superclass method.
Which of these two calls would correspond to gcall
Do you know of a cleaner way to do this?
You are correct, I didn't document all features in the readme. Maybe look at the source code, g-macros are no magic.
You code works, maybe I would just structure it a bit differently:
(def particle-methods
#js {"update" (fn [] ...)
"someOtherMethod" (fn [] ...)})
(def particle-prototype (js/Object.create (gget "Phaser.Particle.prototype") particle-methods))
(defn particle-class [my-param game x y key frame]
(this-as this
(.call (gget "Phaser.Particle") this game x y key frame)
(oset! this "myParam" my-param)))
(oset! particle-class "prototype" particle-prototype)
(def my-particle-instance (particle-class. <args>))
The following constructor call works great with compilation level "none":
I'm trying to convert this, using cljs-oops, so it will work under advanced compilation, for example:
But this does not properly compile into a constructor call. The output that is produced is below. Notice how the inputs are getting moved outside of the constructor call. How do I do this properly?