binaryage / drydrop

Deploy static sites to App Engine by pushing to GitHub
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Rakefile bug preventing `rake upload` deployment #20

Closed greghaskins closed 12 years ago

greghaskins commented 12 years ago

I hit a snag in the deployment/installation process on my system (OS X, Ruby 1.9.2p180, Rake 0.9.2) where the patched app.yaml wasn't being formatted properly, causing update to fail. Instead of writing the patched lines back out individually, the Rakefile wrote a string reprentation of the lines list:

$ cat .deploy/ 
["application: my-project-name\n", "version: master\n", "runtime: python\n", "api_version: 1\n", "\n", "handlers:\n", "- url: .*\n", "  script: ''"]

I'm not well-versed in Ruby (perhaps this is a version-specific issue?), but the attached quick fix seems to do the trick.

Thanks for an awesome app!

Update: Once I got DryDrop deployed, I realized this bug also affects the patching of