binarybottle / roygbiv

Roy G. Brain Image Viewer for browser-based visualization of Mindboggle cortical surface label/shape data
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Bugs bugs bugs (v1) #9

Closed bcipolli closed 9 years ago

bcipolli commented 9 years ago

Sometimes, we just don't get it right... :) Two bugs, a refactor, and a bit of linting:

  1. I screwed up applying text labels to ROIs.
  2. URLs inside the manifest json are relative... to the manifest file location, not the webpage location. When the json and html files are in the same location, no prob., but if not... then failed.

RF: had a function defined in annot2vtks that was only used in, so move it there.

and linting (change from tabs to spaces in, since other Python files are using spaces)