binaryedge / 40fy

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ipv6 / v6/https-scan is not working correctly: v6/https-scan should have delivered the same results as v4/https but did not #27

Open zer010bs opened 3 years ago

zer010bs commented 3 years ago

curl -6 -v -k https://[2001:4ca0:xx.yy.zz] -> redirects /user/sign_in -> loads page
curl -6 -v -k http://[2001:4ca0:xx.yy.zz] -> redirects to cname-host
curl -v -k https://129.xx.yy.zz -> redirects /user/sign_in -> loads page
curl -v -k http://129.xx.yy.zz -> redirects to cname-host

the html-body and headers are only available in ipv4-results for port 443, while ipv6 - reults only displays th ssl-cert - info but nothing on the html.

this strips certain ipv6 - results out of searches/filters and leads to missing/false-negatives on ipv6 - only hosts or resulst where cnames with ipv4 and ipv6 are located on different machines.