binarygolf / BGGP

Binary Golf Grand Prix
39 stars 9 forks source link

Windows Batch/PHP Polyglot, 63 bytes, with arguments #63

Open krishean opened 1 week ago

krishean commented 1 week ago

Please fill out the following:

Submit Date: 2024-06-25
BGGP Challenge Number: 5
Author: Krishean
Contact Info (Optional): 
Online Presence (Website/Social Media):
Target File Type: Windows Batch/PHP
File Size: 63 bytes
SHA256 Hash: dedf4830654a2aac9271e7dea9ca776e0f71ae844a12bb5961c145d1d4a777f4
Target Environment (How do we run the file?): Windows Command Prompt: `call filename.bat`, PHP: `php -r 'ob_start();$a="curl -sL";include "filename.bat";'`
Any additional info?: curl should be included by default in windows 10 version 1803 or later
Link to PoC video, screenshot, or console output, if any: 
Link to writeup, if any: 
File contents (base64 encoded please): QGVjaG8gb2ZmCmN1cmwgLXNMICUxJiZleGl0IC9iCjw/cGhwIG9iX2VuZF9jbGVhbigpO2VjaG8oYCRhYCk7
---END BGGPx---

If this is an update to an existing entry, please include a link to your entry below this text. Reminder that authors can only update an entry once during BGGP.