binarygolf / BGGP

Binary Golf Grand Prix
39 stars 9 forks source link

SVG - 108 bytes #84

Open caioluders opened 1 week ago

caioluders commented 1 week ago
Submit Date: 26/06
BGGP Challenge Number: 5
Author: caioluders
Online Presence (Website/Social Media): @caioluders
Target File Type: SVG
File Size: 108 bytes
SHA256 Hash: 030d46cb371e6a47d47e0840a7be5a242297dee09284efdf820ab6501d120fe8
Target Environment (How do we run the file?):
1. Open in any browser
2. Click on the page and use the cut hotkey (cmd+x on osx)
3. Alert will pop
Any additional info?: fetch`` is smaller
Link to writeup, if any: In the future (i hope)
File contents (base64 encoded please): PHN2ZyB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciIG9uY3V0PSJmZXRjaGBodHRwczpiaW5hcnkuZ29sZi81LzVgLnRoZW4oZT0+ZS50ZXh0KCkpLnRoZW4oYWxlcnQpIi8+Cg==
---END BGGP5---
caioluders commented 1 week ago

Not sure how you want to handle this, but the SVG can also use the same trick of uploading it to an https server and doing //, such as #80 for -3 bytes. Please let me know if loading in a server is allowed and I'll update the entries accordingly. Thanks (:

VVX7 commented 1 week ago

We're deliberating on how to handle that @caioluders . We expect cases where one needs to use a proxy (old or resource constrained device, software limitation, ...) but we don't want entries that are all URL shorteners and proxies. However, keep the submissions coming and we'll sort it out. Either way, it's fun seeing/learning new tricks.