binarylogic / searchlogic

Searchlogic provides object based searching, common named scopes, and other useful tools.
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association perplexity #44

Open SNlsn opened 14 years ago

SNlsn commented 14 years ago

given a model Company with attribute name

and a model Contact with attributes first_name and last_name

The Models are associated like this: Contact belongs_to Company Company has_many Contacts

I wish to make a search field into which I can type a portion of either the contact's first name, the contact's last name or the company name.

This works: @contacts = Contact.company_name_like(params[:search])

This works: @contacts = Contact.first_name_or_last_name_like(params[:search])

This does NOT work: @contacts = Contact.company_name_or_first_name_or_last_name_like(params[:search]) It returns this error: "The condition 'company_name' is not a valid condition, we could not find any scopes that match this."

Evidently the scope company_name works by itself but not in combination with the other two. And the other two work, but not with company_name. I can only assume this has to do with the association and I am missing something obvious. Can anyone point out how to do it correctly?

The last example (company_name_or_first_name_or_last_name_like) worked in an earlier version of my app, when company was an attribute of Contact. When I made Company a separate model it stopped working.

I believe I have the current version of binarylogic-searchlogic. Rails version is 2.3.2, in development mode with standard sqlite database.

Thank you.

kylewelsby commented 14 years ago

I have the same issue, but no solution yet.