binarynoise / XposedModulets

A collection of small Xposed Modules.
European Union Public License 1.2
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New modules to check into IzzyOnDroid #6

Open binarynoise opened 8 months ago

binarynoise commented 8 months ago

Hi @izzysoft, @programminghoch10 and I worked on and added some new modulets. Would you add the new ones to your repo?

IzzySoft commented 8 months ago

Would be nice if your Fastlane could include an icon for each module. Quick idea: the standard Xposed icon with a symbol embedded, e.g. the standard brightness symbol wtih AntiBrightnessChange, rotation symbol with RotationControl etc. Not the nicest ones admittedly, but if you like them:

icon_bluetooth icon_brightness icon_rotate icon_settings icon_wifi

In case you want to edit them, or build upon it (e.g. for the other modules), here's the multi-layer Gimp file: I have no idea why in the browser, the background of the puzzle piece is gray; it's white with 25% opacity and an image viewer also shows it as such. If you prefer it entirely transparent, just select the other "piece" layer in the Gimp file and export again. Or fill it with a different color, e.g. a decent and not too bright yellow (complement to the blue).

IzzySoft commented 8 months ago

PS: com.programminghoch10.RotationControl gives me the following whenever I create a new index here:

ResourceType W 12-31 15:19:54 3200440 3200440] No known package when getting value for resource number 0x0108004d
ResourceType W 12-31 15:19:54 3200440 3200440] No known package when getting value for resource number 0x0108004d
AndroidManifest.xml:11: error: ERROR getting 'android:icon' attribute: attribute value reference does not exist

(just with different time stamps, which reflect the time fdroid update was run). Can you please check and fix that? It's otherwise spamming me constantly :see_no_evil:

Edit: I guess the last line is caused by this


referencing something that's not defined as there's no corresponding file in resources (not even any directory for drawables). Comparing to some other module, I'd say removing android:icon="@android:drawable/ic_menu_rotate" from the manifest should solve that (adding the resource would solve it, too :wink:). The two lines above could be follow-up errors (identical resource numbers, and 1 resource missing would match that).

binarynoise commented 8 months ago

I uploaded a version of RotationControl that has the icon removed, did this fix your issue with publishing?

I will have a look at creating the icons.

IzzySoft commented 8 months ago

I uploaded a version of RotationControl that has the icon removed, did this fix your issue with publishing?

Checking now … iod repo get com.programminghoch10.RotationControl successful … iod repo fdu running … done. Confirmed, looks good – thanks!

I will have a look at creating the icons.


BRBsoup commented 1 month ago

Probably would be cool to state that they're xPosed modules in the descriptions :)

IzzySoft commented 1 month ago

They are in the "Xposed" category, no?

cooldroid commented 1 month ago

@binarynoise @IzzySoft - I tried the ForegroundNotification module on OOS 14 (OnePlus 11) and it doesn't seem to work. Any leads on this please?

IzzySoft commented 4 weeks ago

I cannot tell, sorry – IzzyOnDroid is "just" a distribution channel. So this needs to be answered by @binarynoise …

binarynoise commented 4 weeks ago

state that they're xPosed modules in the descriptions

Yeah, this might be a good idea. I'll add it with the next update if I don't forget.