Disclosure: I am not the author of PEGTL,but the author is not interested in supporting the conan package himself.
"While we are open to having the PEGTL included in as many package managers as reasonable" and "We support package maintainers, but are not package maintainers ourselves - there are simply too many." from https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/pull/59
I have setup TravicCL, but AppVeyor is running into issues including my repo. As soon as their support gets back to me then I'll do the README.md with the bincrafters style.
The License is currently under my name (MIT), but that is easily changed. Is there anything else required from my side?
Description of Problem, Request, or Question
I'm following the steps from http://bincrafters.readthedocs.io/en/latest/contributing_to_packages/package_guidelines_faq.html to include the package https://bintray.com/pleroux0/pleroux0/pegtl%3Apleroux0
Disclosure: I am not the author of PEGTL,but the author is not interested in supporting the conan package himself.
"While we are open to having the PEGTL included in as many package managers as reasonable" and "We support package maintainers, but are not package maintainers ourselves - there are simply too many." from https://github.com/taocpp/PEGTL/pull/59
I have setup TravicCL, but AppVeyor is running into issues including my repo. As soon as their support gets back to me then I'll do the README.md with the bincrafters style.
The License is currently under my name (MIT), but that is easily changed. Is there anything else required from my side?