binggg / mrn

Material React Native (MRN) - A Material Design style React Native component library.
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Errors after upgrading #24

Closed mrcasals closed 8 years ago

mrcasals commented 8 years ago

I upgraded from React Native v0.14 to React Native v0.16, and I got some Babel errors:

Unknown option: node_modules/mrn/.babelrc.whitelist

If I delete this file, I get to compile the project. Any idea what's the issue here?

I'm using MRN @ master.

Ehesp commented 8 years ago

Currently in the process of cleaning this all up, but the issue is React Native 0.16 is using babel 6 which doesn't support whitelists - and the index file needs an update to use es6 exports.

mrcasals commented 8 years ago

Awesome, thanks! I'll wait until this is fixed to update, than. :)

mebibou commented 8 years ago

Any timeline for this to be fixed? I guess many people like me don't want to downgrade React Native to use this awesome library :)

Ehesp commented 8 years ago

@mebibou >>>

mebibou commented 8 years ago

@Ehesp nice :)